Special Discussion on World Science Day for Peace and Development

Guest Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation and Engr. Farid Bakhtiyar, Senior Research Officer, Pakistan Council for Science & Technology. Listen Here

First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) Launched in Pakistan (Read More.......)

Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST); an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology mandated to advice the government on science, technology and innovation policy issues, has launched the First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) in the country.


What is Technology Foresight?
Technology Foresight (TF) can be described as a systematic approach in which various methodologies and techniques are combined in order to create a better preparedness for the future.

Technology Foresight is neither about delivering probabilistic predictions of the future technologies (Technology Forecasting) nor is about anticipating the impacts of future technologies in today’s society (Forecasting Assessment), rather Technology Foresight is a Systematic Process to visualize Science, Technology, Industry, Economy and society in the long run, with the purpose of identifying technologies that can generate economic and social benefits. Pakistan is the 25th country which has undertaken Technology Foresight program.

The methodologies used and exercises conducted were framed by six fundamental pillars of future studies mapping, anticipating, timing, deepening, creating (alternatives) and transforming the future.

Foresight is by nature multi-disciplinary, requiring the expertise of disparate groups in order to combine scientific and technological expertise with an understanding of society, economy and environment. It is usually intended to have a major impact, and often includes controversial issues where there are lots of vested interests. This is especially true of priority setting for the allocation of resources, which is a common application of foresight.

Foresight’s role is

  • to help government think systematically about the future.
  • to give ownership of decisions to all stakeholders for adoption of policies and their implementation.
  • to promote culture of future oriented thinking.
  • to promote networks between ministries, departments, institutions and companies.

News and Events
PCST Pre Qualificaiton Tender Document

PCST Pre Qualificaiton Tender Notice

National R&D Statistics Survey, 2023 (Questionnaire)

37th International Khawarazmi Award (KIA) Call for Participation

Observance & Implementation of 2% Disbility Quota

PRODUCTS / TECHNOLOGIES Developed by the Organizations of Ministry of Science and Technology

STI Voice Newsletter

Science, Technology, Innovation,STI Voice, Volume 3, 2017 is now available for our readers. Click this link for further details and to download Newsletter.

Establishment of Pensioner's Cell at PCST

PCST has established Pensioner's Cell under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Aslam Tahir, CRO (PCST) for dealing with issues of pension. Click here for further details.

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