Special Discussion on World Science Day for Peace and Development

Guest Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation and Engr. Farid Bakhtiyar, Senior Research Officer, Pakistan Council for Science & Technology. Listen Here

First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) Launched in Pakistan (Read More.......)

Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST); an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology mandated to advice the government on science, technology and innovation policy issues, has launched the First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) in the country.

Scientometric Studies

The Council has undertaken a number of research studies particularly oriented towards the state of S&T in Pakistan, depicting trends and growth of S&T organizations as well as manpower development. Some of these studies have been published as: S&T Potential of Pakistan, R&D Activities in Pakistan, Non-Governmental Organizations involved in the Scientific Development of Pakistan etc.

Science and Technology Indicators are essential inputs for planning science and technology. Without the updated information on S&T indicators the progress of the scientific activities of a country can not be quantifies. The Council has published various books on S&T indicators. These books contain information on various organizational settings for the conduct of R&D and technical education, physical infrastructure (including research and teaching facilities), human resources, (mainly working scientists and engineers), necessary financial support i.e. development/non-development budget of all organizations. Comparison with some developed/developing counties is also made. Most of the quantitative information provided in these books is generated through the surveys conducted by PCST.

PCST also evaluates the research work of R&D organizations and individual scientists. For determining research productivity of R&D organizations and individual scientists PCST uses transparent international yardsticks. PCST's evaluation using bibliometric techniques has resulted in publication of Directories of "Productive Scientists of Pakistan". These books provide information about the performance of individual scientists and R&D organizations of Pakistan.

News and Events
PCST Pre Qualificaiton Tender Document

PCST Pre Qualificaiton Tender Notice

National R&D Statistics Survey, 2023 (Questionnaire)

37th International Khawarazmi Award (KIA) Call for Participation

Observance & Implementation of 2% Disbility Quota

PRODUCTS / TECHNOLOGIES Developed by the Organizations of Ministry of Science and Technology

STI Voice Newsletter

Science, Technology, Innovation,STI Voice, Volume 3, 2017 is now available for our readers. Click this link for further details and to download Newsletter.

Establishment of Pensioner's Cell at PCST

PCST has established Pensioner's Cell under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Aslam Tahir, CRO (PCST) for dealing with issues of pension. Click here for further details.

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