Special Discussion on World Science Day for Peace and Development

Guest Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation and Engr. Farid Bakhtiyar, Senior Research Officer, Pakistan Council for Science & Technology. Listen Here

First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) Launched in Pakistan (Read More.......)

Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST); an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology mandated to advice the government on science, technology and innovation policy issues, has launched the First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) in the country.

International Foundation for Science

PCST is a founder member of the International Foundation for Science (IFS), Stockholm, Sweden. IFS provides research grants to young scientists in the developing countries to conduct research in their home laboratories in the fields of agriculture, animal production, crop sciences, natural products and rural technology. During the year a total of 7 projects were received from the young scientists, which were forwarded to IFS. Two students received IFS grant for the year 2000-2001. The council has been requesting heads of major R&D organizations and universities to encourage and guide young scientists for preparation of research proposals for IFS grants. Information about IFS grant is also available on PCST's Web Page.

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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

The Council regularly provides information to UNESCO on scientific statistics related to Pakistan. This information is published in the UNESCO yearbook on S&T Statistics.

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Policy Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (PREST), University of Manchester, UK

PCST maintains linkages with Policy Research in Engineering, Science and Technology (PREST), Manchester. In the recent past, PCST has invited an expert from PREST to give lecturers on modern concepts in S&T Policy studies. Scientists from other relevant organizations were also invited to attend the lectures. PCST has also sent two of its staff members for a 3-month training course in Science and Technology Policy at PREST.

Recently PCST arranged a two week workshop on "Science & Technology Policy: Lessons from Different Global Perspectives & Challanges for the Future" from 1st to 13th July 2008 in Islamabad. Dr. Khaleel Malik from PREST (MBS), was the main resource person for the workshop.

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South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

PCST has submitted a proposal for establishment of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Institute for SAARC at Islamabad. PCST is also working on a workshop on "Science and Technology Policies and Planning in SAARC Countries" consisting of participants from SAARC member states.

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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt

A proposal for collaboration on the matters of common interest related to the S&T Policies & Planning, between Pakistan & Egypt has been submitted by PCST to the Ministry of Science & Technology for further necessary actions. On Egyptian side, Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research has been proposed as a partner organization under this program. Following are the objectives of the program;

  • To exchange of ideas and information on Science and Technology Policy Issues and opportunities.
  • To study S&T policies and mechanism of implementation.
  • To assess S&T indicators important for sustainable development.
  • To identify the weaknesses in S&T policies and planning.
  • To draw up recommendations and strategies to cover the policy gaps, to strengthen S&T Policies and plans
  • Scope of this programme is very broad and will be of ultimate benefit to both countries.

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UN - Asian and Pacific Centre for Technology Transfer (APTTC)

A proposal for collaboration on the study of "The Innovation Lanscape of Textile Sector of Pakistan" between Pakistan & APTTCt has been submitted by PCST to the Ministry of Science & Technology for further necessary actions.

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News and Events
PCST Pre Qualificaiton Tender Document

PCST Pre Qualificaiton Tender Notice

National R&D Statistics Survey, 2023 (Questionnaire)

37th International Khawarazmi Award (KIA) Call for Participation

Observance & Implementation of 2% Disbility Quota

PRODUCTS / TECHNOLOGIES Developed by the Organizations of Ministry of Science and Technology

STI Voice Newsletter

Science, Technology, Innovation,STI Voice, Volume 3, 2017 is now available for our readers. Click this link for further details and to download Newsletter.

Establishment of Pensioner's Cell at PCST

PCST has established Pensioner's Cell under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Aslam Tahir, CRO (PCST) for dealing with issues of pension. Click here for further details.

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