Special Discussion on World Science Day for Peace and Development

Guest Prof. Dr. Shahid Mahmood Baig, Chairman, Pakistan Science Foundation and Engr. Farid Bakhtiyar, Senior Research Officer, Pakistan Council for Science & Technology. Listen Here

First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) Launched in Pakistan (Read More.......)

Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST); an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology mandated to advice the government on science, technology and innovation policy issues, has launched the First Industrial National Innovation Survey (FINIS) in the country.

ST&I Planning and Manage-ment Structure

    3. ST&I Planning and Manage-ment Structure

    11. The existing planning and management structure for non-strategic

    Science and Technology sector comprises:

    • The National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST)

    • The Executive Committee of NCST (EC-NCST)

    • Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)

    • Pakistan Council for Science and Technol-ogy (PCST)

    • Provincial Departments of Science & Tech-nology, Planning & Development

    12. Due to a variety of reasons, this struc-ture is not functioning in an optimal manner with the result that there is a wide gap in the expectations from and the achievements of the system. The S&T system is currently function-ing more or less in isolation from the industrial sector as well as the economic and social de-velopment plans of the Government. There is, therefore, an urgent need to streamline the sys-tem to make it more effective and integrate the S&T system into the mainstream planning and development system.

    13. The National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) was created under a Reso-lution of the Ministry of Science and Technolo-gy with Gazette Notification of April 1984, as a part of the implementation of the National S&T Policy (1984). It was envisaged that with the Prime Minister as its Chairman, it would be the apex decision making and coordinating agency for S&T in the country, to “provide leadership and overall guidance in the development of a strong, well-integrated system of science and technology and its deployment for rapid socio-economic progress”. Its major achievement has been the approval, in principle, of the recom-mendations of the 2nd meeting held on 2nd May 2000, which are at present serving as the de facto S&T Policy/Action Plan. Originally MoST was the secretariat of NCST, but in 1997 this function was assigned to PCST.

    3.1 National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST)

    14. As a result of the 18th amendment in the Constitution, some federal ministries have been devolved while some new ministries / divisions have been created and a few others have been renamed. Further, some functions i.e. Education, Health, Agriculture etc. have been transferred to the provinces. Therefore, for effective representation from all stakehold-ers, composition of the NCST needs to be re-vised. The composition of Executive Commit-tee of NCST also needs to be revised.

    3.2 Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)

    15. The Constitution of Pakistan (1973) de-fines the S&T research coordination as the responsibility of the Federal Government. Consequently, the Ministry of Science and Technology was created and its Rules of Busi-ness were approved in 1973. The Ministry is, therefore, the rightful owner of National ST&I policy and primary agency for the implemen-tation of this policy. The enhancement of pro-vincial autonomy under the 18th amendment (April 8, 2010) does not curtail the Ministry’s role and functions.

    16. In addition to its functions under the “Rules of Business 1973”, the Ministry of Sci-ence and Technology may perform the follow-ing functions:

    i. To execute necessary actions or cause to get these actions done in implementation of the national ST&I Policy.

    ii. To prepare feasibility studies of projects under the ST&I Policy and submit finan-cial allocation requests for the develop-ment of S&T in line with ST&I policy on yearly basis.

    iii. To formulate proposals for national cent- ers where R&D equipmentv for multi-disciplinary research is accessible to all researchers.

    iv. To significantly enhance the research funding role of PSF in direct support of projects, which have been thoroughly vet-ted by experts and deemed to have signifi-cant effect on national economy.

    v. To make preparations for setting up and maintaining at least one major Technology Park in each Province, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan and the Capital territory to be attached to selected universities.

    vi. To coordinate between S&T organizations and the production sector.

    vii. To coordinate with the Planning Commis-sion for translating the S&T requirements of the national development plans into well-defined programmes and assigning them to the appropriate R&D agencies for execution.

    viii. To plan and execute programmes for the specialized HRD requirements of its or-ganizations.

    ix. To function as the principal agency for in-ternational liaison in Science and Technol-ogy.

    x. To perform technical audit of the S&T or-ganizations under MoST with respect to the provision of financial /material and human resources.

    To perform these functions, the technical wings of the Ministry needs to be adequately strengthened.

    3.3 Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST)

    17. The creation of Pakistan Council for Sci-ence and Technology in 1961 was a major step forward to institutionalize the monitoring of S&T development in the country and to under-take foresight exercises for future policy direc-tion. It has been acting as a secretariat of NCST, scientific data collection centre, and S&T policy advice think tank, encouraging high perform-ance in S&T workers through cash awards, promoting international cooperation and pub-lishing reports and reviews on the state of S&T in Pakistan. The role assigned to PCST is in-deed highly relevant and enormously signifi-cant. The human and financial sources put at the disposal of PCST, however, do not match with the achievements expected from this or-ganization.

    18. It is, therefore, of paramount importance that PCST is strengthened and its role enhanced through the following measures:

    i. PCST should be recognized as an autono-mous body under the Ministry of Science and Technology with its statutes approved through an act of Parliament.

    ii. A special wing of PCST should be created with a qualified team of S&T Policy experts to undertake research in policy related is-sues on continued basis, so that periodic S&T policy reviews can be undertaken without starting the process ab initio.

    iii. PCST should be provided adequate funds and human resources to perform its present functions, listed below, in a more efficient way.

    (a) To advise the Federal Government on all matters pertaining to the devel-opment of science and technology in country.

    (b) To undertake policy research, organ-ize study groups/task forces, formu-late policy proposals, monitoring and evaluation of S&T policy for achieving targets for the overall development of science and technology in the country.

    (c) To identify priority areas for research and development keeping in view the futuristic developments of science and technology.

    (d) To constitute expert committees in various disciplines for preparation of reports on policies and issues of na-tional importance in respect of science and technology.

    (e) To act as the secretariat for National Commission on Science and Technol-ogy (NCST).

    (f) To collect, update statistics and main-tain database on science and technol-ogy potentials of the country.

    (g) To take measures for effective col-laboration between academia, R&D organizations and industry for de-velopment of indigenous products / technologies.

    (h) To promote quality R&D culture in the country, evaluation of national research and development activities including output of individuals and institutions and to grant awards/ in-centives thereof.

    (i) To promote collaboration among na-tional and international organizations for promotion and capacity building in science and technology and to enter into MoUs, contracts etc.

    (j) To participate in national science and technology planning and develop-ment activities and providing advice on selection of projects.

    (k) To promote or implement projects of national importance.

    (l) Any other function assigned by the Federal Government.

    3.4 Provincial Departments of Science and Technology

    19. The major part of productive activity in industrial and agriculture sector is necessary at the provincial level. The execution of develop-ment projects as well as the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources is mainly the responsibility of the provinces. Moreover the results of R&D effort especially in the fi elds

    of agriculture, health and industry have to be utilized by different agencies of the Provincial Governments. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Gov-ernment has already set up a Department of Science and Technology, an example to be em-ulated by other Provincial Governments[ ]. In addition to their province specifi c roles, these Departments may also serve as the focal point for:

    i. Communication with PCST and the Fed-eral Ministry of Science and Technology.

    ii. Planning and implementation of coordi-nated inter-disciplinary and inter-depart-mental S&T programmes at the provincial level.

    iii. Creation of site-specifi c technologies ap-propriate to the needs of various areas de-pending on the local conditions and natu-ral resources.

    iv. Prompt and effective dissemination of re-search results to the end users.

    20. The institutional reforms pertinent to for-mulation, execution and monitoring of the pol-icy implementation will be carried out with the help of following actions:

    Policy Actions:

    A4. Re-composition of NCST and ECNCST.

    A5. The establishment of PCST as an auton-omous body through an Act of Parlia-ment.

    A6. Establishment of a well-staffed ST&I Policy cell in PCST.

    A7. Coordination with the Provincial Gov-ernments to establish and operational-ize provincial Departments of Science and Technology.

    A8. Strengthening of Technical Wings in the Ministry of Science and Technology for evaluation and monitoring of R&D ac-tivities.

News and Events
PCST Pre Qualificaiton Tender Document

PCST Pre Qualificaiton Tender Notice

National R&D Statistics Survey, 2023 (Questionnaire)

37th International Khawarazmi Award (KIA) Call for Participation

Observance & Implementation of 2% Disbility Quota

PRODUCTS / TECHNOLOGIES Developed by the Organizations of Ministry of Science and Technology

STI Voice Newsletter

Science, Technology, Innovation,STI Voice, Volume 3, 2017 is now available for our readers. Click this link for further details and to download Newsletter.

Establishment of Pensioner's Cell at PCST

PCST has established Pensioner's Cell under the supervision of Dr. Muhammad Aslam Tahir, CRO (PCST) for dealing with issues of pension. Click here for further details.

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